Samstag, 13. April 2013

How to install win7 on a ASUS Zenbook UX21A

what you need

PC with a DVD player (PC1)
win7 DVD
USB stick

free tools

1 create the USB stick
all data on the stick will be erased

-format the USB stick in fat32

-install imgburn on the PC1
-install windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool on PC1

-insert the Win7DVD in your DVD player from PC1
-run ImgBurn
use the funktion “create image file from disc”
source will be your Win7 DVD Destination a place on your hard-disk on PC1
safe the file as win7.iso

start the "windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool"
open the win7.iso and chose your USB stick as destination

(if you run antivir it could get problem, go to the settings and deactivate block auto run)

USB stick is now ready

2 install win7 on the laptop.
Safe all data from your laptop, then all data will be removed and erased after installation from win7

shut down the laptop
put your USB stick with the win7.iso file in the laptop
start the laptop and open the bios

open bios >> press and hold the ESC button right now after pressing the ON button.
Choose setup:
this settings have to be made ore the laptop will not boot from the USB stick

Security > Secure Boot Control = Disable
Boot > Fast Boot = Disable
Boot > Launch CSM for legacy support = Enable

safe settings and exit

Now the win7 installation will be started...